Information about Huddinge municipality

Welcome to Huddinge municipality – here you live in close proximity to both the natural and urban environment! More than 120,000 people live in Huddinge. On this page you will find information about the areas for which the municipality is responsible. The links often lead to pages that are written in Swedish.

Emergency help

If you urgently need to contact the emergency services, call 112. This number applies to, for example, the fire service, ambulance and police.
If you need help in a situation that is not an emergency, you must not call 112.

If you need to contact the police in order to, for example, provide information or report a crime that has already taken place, you should call 114 14 instead.

If you have any urgent social problems, you can contact Huddinge municipality’s telephone exchange during normal working hours (Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm), and you will then be connected to the right person who will be able to help.

The telephone number to our telephone exchange is 08­-535 300 00. In the evenings and at weekends, you can call the police on 114 14.

Find out more about how you can receive help (in Swedish)

Learn Swedish

If you would like to learn Swedish, you can study the basic Swedish for immigrants course (Svenska för invandrare, sfi). Here you will learn both the language and about how Swedish society works.

To study sfi in Huddinge, you must:

  • be at least 18 years of age.
  • be registered as living in Huddinge municipality.
  • have a Swedish personal ID number, or bring your passport or ID card when you enrol.

If you are a citizen of an EU country, you can register for sfi even if you have not received the final four numbers of your personal ID number.

Find out more about sfi (in Swedish)

Support and care

The municipality provides various forms of advice, support, treatment and care to ensure that the quality of life for residents is as good as possible.

Different forms of support

We provide social and economic support for:

  • families, children and young people
  • the elderly
  • people with disabilities
  • people with addictions
  • people experiencing psychological problems

People in different situations need different kinds of assistance. Therefore, we adapt the support and care that we provide to meet the needs of the individual.

Find out more about support and care (in Swedish)


Children aged between 1 and 5 years can attend a preschool. Children aged 6 years can attend a reception-year class or begin primary school.

The Swedish schooling system consists of nine years of compulsory schooling in primary school and then secondary school. Children aged between 7 and 15 years are legally required to attend school.

Young people who have completed their compulsory schooling can choose to continue studying at upper-secondary level (gymnasiet), from where they can proceed to study at university, colleges, or other forms of adult education.

Within Huddinge, there are several preschools and schools to choose from.

Find out more about education (in Swedish)


The Swedish Public Employment Agency (Arbetsförmedlingen) can help you when you are looking for work. It is completely free of charge for you to visit the Public Employment Agency and to use their services. Here you can learn about available jobs and come into contact with businesses.

This employment service is operated by the Swedish government, not Huddinge municipality.

Find out more about the Public Employment Agency


If you would like to rent somewhere to live, you must register with the Stockholm Housing Agency (Bostadsförmedlingen). This agency does not own any homes but allocates apartments on behalf of different landlords.

Apartments are allocated by means of a queuing system. Once you have registered, you will be given a place in the queue.

Find out more about the Stockholm Housing Agency

There are also some private landlords. If you have the possibility to buy your own home, you should contact an estate agent who will be able to help you search for something appropriate.

Library and culture

At Huddinge’s libraries, you can borrow books, read newspapers and borrow computers and tablets. There are several venues for art and culture, associations involved in your hobbies and interests, places to exercise and lots of natural environments to explore.

Find out more about libraries and culture (in Swedish) 

How the municipality is governed

Huddinge municipality is governed by the municipal council. This council determines the municipal budget and taxes, and decides on matters and issues of importance to the municipality and its inhabitants.

The council consists of 61 members from 10 different parties who are elected by the municipality’s residents once every four years.

Read more about how the municipality works (in Swedish)

Uppdaterad 9 april 2024